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来源:2exam.com 2014-9-16 14:20:58

Unemployment(失业)rose from 7.5&in June, 1996to 7.8% in July, 1996, the highest rate since January of that year , the Labor Department reported. The main reason was a large increase -----nearly 700, 000 in the labor force , with a record 61.9% of the population over sixteen years of age working or actively looking for work.

  That growth was caused mainly by an increase in the number of women in the labor force , an increase partly because of a continuation of long ----term and economic trends(经济趋势)and partly a reflection of pressure on families to increase their incomes.

  45. According to the announcement, which of the following statements is correct?

  A. Unemployment in July was higher than it had been since January.

  B. Unemployment rose at a steady rate form January to July.

  C. Unemployment rose by about 7% from June to July.

  D. Unemployment rose about 7% the first time in July.

  46. Why did unemployment increase during the period discussed in the passage?

  A. There are fewer jobs in summer. B. Many companies had dismissed workers.

  C. The labor force had grown. D. Records have become more accurate(准确)

  47. which of the following is said to be the main reason why more people are looking for work?

  A. Young people start working younger.

  B. Recent graduates have entered the labor market.

  C. More people must have tow jobs to support their families.

  D. More women have entered the job market.

  48. It can be inferred that the labor force described in the passage is made up of __________

  A. persons whose jobs are not professional(专业的)

  B. persons who work at both permanent (永久)and full-time jobs

  C. those over 16 years of age who are looking for work

  D. about 60% of the country's population

  参考答案:A CDA

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